

metadata fields

Example: configs/config_zookeeper.json

zookeeperHostsYzookeeper server address, such as localhost:6380
zookeeperPasswordYzookeeper Password
sessionTimeoutNSession timeout,Unit second, same as zookeeper's sessionTimeout
logInfoNtrue if zookeeper information messages are logged; false if only zookeeper errors are logged

How to start Zookeeper

If you want to run the zookeeper demo, you need to start a Zookeeper server with Docker first.


docker pull zookeeper
docker run --privileged=true -d --name zookeeper --publish 2181:2181 -d zookeeper:latest

Run layotto

cd ${project_path}/cmd/layotto
go build

If build reports an error, it can be executed in the root directory of the project go mod vendor

Execute after the compilation is successful:

./layotto start -c ../../configs/config_zookeeper.json

Run Demo

 cd ${project_path}/demo/lock/common/
go build -o client
./client -s "lock_demo"