
Distributed lock component

Configuration file structure

The json configuration file has the following structure:

"lock": {
"<Component A Name>": {
"type":"<Component A Type>",
"metadata": {
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>",
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>"
"<Component B Name>": {
"type":"<Component B Type>",
"metadata": {
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>",
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>"

You can configure the key/value configuration items that the component cares about in the metadata. For example, redis component configuration is as follows:

"lock": {
"lock_demo": {
"type": "redis",
"metadata": {
"redisHost": "localhost:6380",
"redisPassword": ""

Common configuration item description

keyPrefixNKey prefix strategy

the keyPrefix field supports the following key prefix strategies:

  • appid - This is the default policy. The resource_id passed in by the user will eventually be saved as lock|||current appid||resource_id

  • name - This setting uses the name of the component as a prefix. For example, the redis component will store the resource_id passed in by the user as lock|||redis||resource_id

  • none - The resource_id passed in by the user will eventually be saved as lock|||resource_id.

  • Any other string that does not contain ||. For example, if the keyPrefix is configured as "abc", the resource_id passed in by the user will eventually be saved as lock|||abc||resource_id

Other configuration items

In addition to the above general configuration items, each distributed lock component has its own special configuration items. Please refer to the documentation for each component.