
File API design documentation


The API definition is mainly based on commonly used file operations and is divided into four additional and deleted interfaces. For the Get/Put interface, file upload and download require support for streaming transfer.Thus the following interface definition is:

  // Get file with stream
rpc GetFile(GetFileRequest) returns (stream GetFileResponse) {}

// Put file with stream
rpc PutFile(stream PuteRequest) returns (google. Rotobuf. mpty) {}

// List all files
rpc ListFile(ListFileRequest) returns (ListFileResponse){}

// Delete specific file
rpc DelFile(DelFileRequest) returns (google. Rotobuf.Empty {}

Discussion of the definition of interfaces can be based onissue98

Definition of parameters

message GetFileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the file or object want to get.
string name = 2;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;

message GetFileResponse {
bytes data = 1;

message PutFileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the file or object want to put.
string name = 2;
// The data will be store.
bytes data = 3;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 4;

message FileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the directory
string name = 2;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;

message ListFileRequest {
FileRequest request = 1;

message ListFileResp {
repeated string file_name = 1;

message DelFileRequest {
FileRequest request = 1;

Get Interface

Get's main entry is three:

| Parameter Name | Mean | | ---- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- -- | -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- | -- | | store_name | corresponding backend components (eg: aliyun. ss, aws.s3) | yes | | name | file name | yes| | metadata | Metadata where users can specify some of the fields that component needs, (eg:per, username etc.) | yes|

Put Interface

Put interfaces have three main interfaces and more than one data field is used to transfer file content:

| Parameter Name | Mean | | ---- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- -- | -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- | -- | | store_name | corresponding backend components (eg: aliyun. ss, aws. 3) | yes | | name | yes| | data | file content | nos (allowing users to upload empty data, each component can be operationalized)| | metadata, which users can specify some of the fields that component needs, (eg:permission, username, etc.) | yes|

Lists and Dels Interfaces

Parameters for both interfaces are the same:

| Parameter Name | Mean | | ---- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- -- | -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- -- | -- | -- | | store_name | corresponding backend components (eg: aliyun. ss, aws.s3) | yes | | name | file name | yes| | metadata | Metadata where users can specify some of the fields that component needs, (eg:per, username etc.) | yes|

Configure Parameters

Configure parameters, different components can be configured in different formats such as aliyun.oss below:

"file": {
"file_demo": {
"type": "aliyun.oss",
"endpoint": "endpoint_address",
"accessKeyID": "accessKey",
"accessKeySecret": "secret",
"bucket": ["bucket1", "bucket2"]