
How to generate code and documentation from the .proto files

Suppose you wrote a new proto file spec/proto/extension/v1/email/email.proto and you want to implement this API in Layotto:

// EmailService is used to send emails.
service EmailService {

// Send an email with template
rpc SendEmailWithTemplate(SendEmailWithTemplateRequest) returns (SendEmailWithTemplateResponse) {}

// Send an email with raw content instead of using templates.
rpc SendEmail(SendEmailRequest) returns (SendEmailResponse) {}


// different message types......

It's a tedious job because you have to write a lot of code and docs.

Fortunately, Layotto has tools to generate the code/docs/CI configuration automatically. You don't have to do the job yourself!

step 1. Make sure your proto file meets the following requirements

  • The file path should be spec/proto/extension/v1/{api short name}/{api short name}.proto
  • There should be only one service in the proto file. For example, the following file is WRONG :
// EmailService is used to send emails.
service EmailService {
// ...

// Wrong: there should be only one `service` in a `.proto` file
service EmailService2 {
// ...

// different message types......
  • If you don't want to generate the quickstart docs for the proto, add a comment /* @exclude skip quickstart_generator */ .
  • If you don't want to generate the sdk & sidecar code for the proto, add a comment /* @exclude skip code_generator */ .

You can take the spec/proto/extension/v1/s3/oss.proto as an example:

/* @exclude skip quickstart_generator */
/* @exclude skip code_generator */
// ObjectStorageService is an abstraction for blob storage or so called "object storage", such as alibaba cloud OSS, such as AWS S3.
// You invoke ObjectStorageService API to do some CRUD operations on your binary file, e.g. query my file, delete my file, etc.
service ObjectStorageService{

These special comments are called "Master's commands". There are many other commands, and you can check the doc for more details.

step 2. Check the environment

To run the generator, you need:

  • Go version >=1.16
  • Start Docker

step 3. Generate everything

Note: the command below should be executed under layotto directory

make proto

Then you get:

  • Generated code
    • .pb.go code
    • _grpc.pb.go code
    • layotto go-sdk code
    • layotto sidecar code
  • Generated documentation
    • API reference docs
    • updated API reference list
    • quickstart document (both chinese and english)
    • updated sidebar (The tool will add the generated quickstart doc into the sidebar of https://mosn.io/layotto )
  • Updated CI (The tool will add the generated quickstart doc into the CI script etc/script/test-quickstart.sh)

step 4. Write the rest of the code

Now it's your job to implement:

  • Layotto component
  • go examples


  • java examples


Behind the scenes

We have a protoc plugin called protoc-gen-p6 to generate code for Layotto.

What if I want to generate pb/documentation only?

The steps above generate everything, but what if I only want to generate .pb.go code ? What if I only want to generate the docs?

How to compile the proto files into .pb.go code

Make cmmand(recommended)

make proto-code

This command uses docker to run protoc and generate .pb.go code files.

Install protoc

  1. Install protoc version: v3.17.3

  2. Install protoc-gen-go v1.28 and protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2

  3. Generate gRPC .pb.go code

cd spec/proto/runtime/v1
protoc -I. --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=require_unimplemented_servers=false,paths=source_relative *.proto

How to generate API reference doc according to the proto files

We can use protoc-gen-doc and docker to generate api documents,the command is as follows:

Make command(recommended)

make proto-doc

This command uses docker to run protoc-gen-doc and generate docs.

Use docker to run protoc-gen-doc

make proto-doc invokes the script etc/script/generate-doc.sh, which uses docker to run protoc-gen-doc.

You can check etc/script/generate-doc.sh for more details.