
Layotto 命令指南:

Layotto 提供了丰富的命令行工具,方便贡献者开发和测试 Layotto 代码,具体命令如下:


  • 你可以执行 make all 去格式化你的代码,进行风格测试,linter 规范测试,单元测试,以及集成测试。但是执行 make all 有以下注意事项:

    • 需要先启动好 docker,以便跑集成测试
    • 运行 make all 会删除包含 "redis skywalking hangzhouzk minio" 这些关键字的容器
    • 如果您没装 docker,或者不想删除这些容器,可以执行 make check 进行一些不需要 docker 的检查。
  • 你也可以执行 make format 去格式化你的代码

  • 执行 make check 进行风格测试,linter 规范测试,单元测试

  • 执行 make build 构建当前平台的二进制文件

  • 执行 make license 使用 docker 容器为代码文件添加 license headers

注意:使用时如遇到这个错误 "make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop." ,说明 makefile 找不到对应的 target。

这时你需要严格参考 make help 提供的指令,根据情况执行 make lint make format make test 等来替代 make all, 来达到本地检查代码的目的。

具体细节可查看一下命令,或执行 make help 查看:

Layotto is an open source project for a fast and efficient cloud native application runtime.

make <Target> <Option>


Golang Development
build Build layotto for host platform.
multiarch Build layotto for multiple platforms.
clean clean all unused generated files.
lint Run go syntax and styling of go sources.
test Run golang unit test in target paths.
workspace check if workspace is clean and committed.
format Format codes style with gofmt and goimports.

Image Development
image Build docker images for host arch.
image-multiarch Build docker images for multiple platforms.
push Push docker images to registry.
push-multiarch Push docker images for multiple platforms to registry.
proxyv2 Build proxy image for host arch.
proxyv2-push Push proxy image to registry.

Proto Development
proto Generate code and documentation based on the proto files.
proto-doc Generate documentation based on the proto files.
proto-code Generate code based on the proto files.
proto-lint Run Protobuffer Linter with Buf Tool

Kubernetes Development
deploy-k8s Install Layotto in Kubernetes.
undeploy-k8s Uninstall Layotto in Kubernetes.

WebAssembly Development
wasm-build Build layotto wasm for linux arm64 platform.
wasm-image Build layotto wasm image for multiple platform.
wasm-push Push layotto wasm image for multiple platform.

CI/CD Development
base Build base docker images for host arch.
base-multiarch Build base docker images for multiple platforms.
deadlink Run deadlink check test.
quickstart Run quickstart check test.
coverage Run coverage analysis.
license Add license headers for code files.
license-check Check codes license headers.
integrate-wasm Run integration test with wasm.
integrate-runtime Run integration test with runtime.


BINS The binaries to build. Default is all of cmd.
This option is available when using: make build/multiarch
* make multiarch BINS="layotto"
* make build BINS="layotto_multiple_api layotto"
IMAGES Backend images to make. Default is all of cmds.
This option is available when using: make image/image-multiarch/push/push-multiarch
* make image IMAGES="layotto"
* make image-multiarch IMAGES="layotto"
* make push IMAGES="layotto_multiple_api"
* make push-multiarch IMAGES="layotto_multiple_api"
NAMESPACE The namepace to deploy. Default is `default`.
This option is available when using: make deploy-k8s/undeploy-k8s
* make deploy-k8s NAMESPACE="layotto"
* make undeploy-k8s NAMESPACE="default"
VERSION The image tag version to build. Default is the latest release tag.
This option is available when using: make image/image-multiarch/push/push-multiarch
* make image VERSION="latest"
* make image-multiarch VERSION="v1.0.0"
* make push-multiarch VERSION="v2.0.0"
REGISTRY_PREFIX The docker image registry repo name to push. Default is `layotto`.
This option is available when using: make push/push-multiarch
* make push IMAGES="layotto" REGISTRY_PREFIX="mosn"
* make push IMAGES="layotto_multiple_api" REGISTRY_PREFIX="mosn"
Supported Platforms: linux_amd64 linux_arm64 darwin_amd64 darwin_arm64
PLATFORMS The multiple platforms to build. Default is linux_amd64 and linux_arm64.
This option is available when using: make multiarch
* make multiarch BINS="layotto" PLATFORMS="linux_amd64 linux_arm64"
Supported Platforms: linux_amd64 linux_arm64 darwin_amd64 darwin_arm64