
Distributed Lock API

什么是分布式锁 API

分布式锁 API基于某种存储系统(比如Etcd,Zookeeper)为开发者提供简单、易用的分布式锁API接口,开发者可以用该API获取锁、保护共享资源免受并发问题的烦扰。

如何使用分布式锁 API

您可以通过grpc调用分布式锁 API,接口定义在runtime.proto 中。



Layotto client sdk封装了grpc调用的逻辑,使用sdk调用分布式锁 API的示例可以参考快速开始:使用分布式锁API


// A non-blocking method trying to get a lock with ttl.
rpc TryLock(TryLockRequest)returns (TryLockResponse) {}

message TryLockRequest {
// Required. The lock store name,e.g. `redis`.
string store_name = 1;
// Required. resource_id is the lock key. e.g. `order_id_111`
// It stands for "which resource I want to protect"
string resource_id = 2;

// Required. lock_owner indicate the identifier of lock owner.
// You can generate a uuid as lock_owner.For example,in golang:
// req.LockOwner = uuid.New().String()
// This field is per request,not per process,so it is different for each request,
// which aims to prevent multi-thread in the same process trying the same lock concurrently.
// The reason why we don't make it automatically generated is:
// 1. If it is automatically generated,there must be a 'my_lock_owner_id' field in the response.
// This name is so weird that we think it is inappropriate to put it into the api spec
// 2. If we change the field 'my_lock_owner_id' in the response to 'lock_owner',which means the current lock owner of this lock,
// we find that in some lock services users can't get the current lock owner.Actually users don't need it at all.
// 3. When reentrant lock is needed,the existing lock_owner is required to identify client and check "whether this client can reenter this lock".
// So this field in the request shouldn't be removed.
string lock_owner = 3;

// Required. expire is the time before expire.The time unit is second.
int32 expire = 4;

message TryLockResponse {
bool success = 1;

Q: expire字段的时间单位?

A: 秒。

Q: 如果多个客户端传相同的LockOwner会怎么样?

case 1. 两个客户端app-id不一样,传的LockOwner相同,不会发生冲突

case 2. 两个客户端app-id一样,传的LockOwner相同,会发生冲突。可能会出现抢到别人的锁、释放别人的锁等异常情况


import "github.com/google/uuid"
req.LockOwner = uuid.New().String()


  rpc Unlock(UnlockRequest)returns (UnlockResponse) {}


为什么分布式锁 API被设计成这样
